

A case of the Mondays...

And writer's block :/

Why, you ask?  Our little girl turned three months on Friday, and I had grand plans for an epic my-baby-is-three-months-and-I'm-so-happy blog post. I started and deleted a total of FIVE posts! I'm not sure what it was, but I just couldn't get into words what I actually wanted to say. Hrmph. And here it is Monday without so much as a peep from yours truly.  So what do I do in a time of a writer's block? Adorable pictures of my three month old, of course!

The face I make when mommy can't think of anything to blog about.

I laugh all the time now!

What I can say is that we really do have the best little girl in the world, and that's just my unbiased opinion.  Happy 3 months, little one!

Until next time!

Mrs. Kuda


Spring has...sprung?

Or maybe not, given that it is still mid-February.  Despite this, we Northern Virginians were given a bit of a respite from the cold winter air, and as a result, E went on her first playdate at the park!  It was a picture perfect day, and she absolutely loved it.  Thanks to her friends V, J and B for such a fantastic time!
Em's newest favorite activity...standing!

Just us girls

Some disappointing news is that next week it's supposed to be cold once again, but there's something about these middle-of-the-winter-warm-ups that happen every year that get us thinking: Spring will come once again, and we have something to look forward to!

Until next time,

Mrs. Kuda


Loving some Love :)

It's Valentine's Day! And while the Kudas believe in celebrating love EVERY day and don't typically celebrate the holiday, I thought it was a perfect excuse to dress up our little girl for an early morning photo shoot :) Thanks to the Puris for such cute tights from Hanna Andersson.  Who doesn't love a little baby girl with a ruffle-butt?

Happy to be awake at 6 am... Couldn't wait to
celebrate Valentine's Day

Pulling off ruffles in the best way

Loves to be on her belly :)
On a particularly corny note, I think the word 'love' as it relates to our family has truly been redefined since the arrival of our sweet baby E.  Unconditional seems like such an understatement, albeit so true!  So, Happy Valentine's Day to the two loves of my life, and I hope to show just how much I love you each and every day of the year.

Until next time!

Mrs. Kuda