

Five Minute Friday: Whisper

Every week, a whole heap of fabulous women get together and write for Five Minute Friday. Today's prompt is...



It's been a while since I've done Five Minute Friday. I can't be exactly sure of the reason, but I do have a guess. It's the little whisper telling me no. No, you can't write. No, your blog won't reach anyone. No, you're not a good mom, a good wife, a good friend.

But my yes is becoming bigger. Louder. Stronger. The more I throw my faith to the wind and hurl my worries aside, the more I am able to clearly see the path directly in front of me. And that path does not include fear. It squelches the subtle whisper of doubt and unease and no-you-can'ts so that it barely makes a sound.

It's still there. But I know that I have been put here in this place at such a time as this, and it is meant for good. And encouraging. And sharing. And being a light in this place that can be so dark.


Well, I probably didn't intend to get so deep, but that's what five minutes under the gun will do to you!

Hop on over to see the other brave women baring it all for Five Minute Friday!


Mrs. Kuda


  1. Glad you came back :). When you wrote about shining light in the dark, I thought of candlelight services at Christmas time, when one tiny candle flame spreads from person to person and pretty soon the whole sanctuary is glowing with beauty. Keep writing. Keep shining. With the grace of God and the fellowship of fellow believers, we can light the world.
    ~FMF neighbor

  2. Our posts were so similar!!!! We need our yes to scream louder and then do!

    1. I couldn't believe it when I read your post! Great minds :)

  3. Loved this one. For me, the "no" is more like a scream and the "yes" is the little tiny whisper. Sometimes it takes all I have to share. Good for you! Thank you for sharing your message today.

    1. Thank you, Patricia! I'll be praying for your "yes" to get louder :)

  4. But, 5 Minute Friday is a good place to share, right? We are all in this together!

  5. 'my yes is becoming stronger...' You might have been overhearing my conversation with God the other day, as I was asking for forgiveness for being so negative, and shutting down so many of his good gifted opportunities because of fear and self-doubt. Thanks for these encouraging words. May we become bolder and bolder, secure in His love!

    1. So happy this spoke to you, Ruth. Thanks for reading!

  6. Replies
    1. Stacy, those words just ring through my ears All. The. Time. And I love how she uses those words throughout all of her studies after Esther :)

  7. Stopped over from the Five Minute Friday! All it takes is our yes, even if it's weak, and God will take us a mile. Have a beautifully blessed weekend.
