

Day 15: A Cup of Coffee

On any given weekday morning, this is where you'll find me...

A cup of coffee. My bible. And recently? A glowing pumpkin and a fire. Because it's October, and I can :)

To know my undeniable obsession love for coffee is to know me. Y'all. I need coffee. For some reason in graduate school (I know. It makes no sense.), I decided I no longer needed to consume this necessary beverage of life, but other than that short stint of insanity, you can pretty much bet that on any given day at any time between 5 am and 10 am, there will be a cup of joe within arm's reach.

Today's challenge is sweet and simple: Do you know my type? It doesn't have to be coffee, and it doesn't need to be this morning, but friends, it's the little things. And sometimes the best way to encourage others, is just to notice those things.

To the mom sitting begrudgingly in the drop off line: Mrs. Smith, who stands outside each morning welcoming your children? She loves her some Starbucks/Peets/Seattle's Best/Dunkin/generic hot goodness. You get the point. Imagine her delight when your kiddos run up to her with a $5 gift card or a steaming hot pumpkin spice latte.

You know that one co-worker that just can't seem to put a smile on her face before 10 am? Imagine her bliss if you notice her go-to breakfast of choice is a blueberry muffin. Talk about turning that frown upside down.
And that's what this comes down to: To encourage others is to notice the small and intricate details of their hearts, whether it be a large cup of coffee, or just a verbal affirmation of "You're doing a great job!" All of us respond in different ways, but I guarantee you this: we change the perceptions of stranger's hearts when we give to them. It's life-changing.

xoxo, k.

Don't forget to share the encouragement! You can usually find me somewhere on social media (see those pretty buttons up on the top right?) using #encouragedailycampaign. Share your stories!


  1. Today seems like as good as day as any to make someone's day! Thanks for the encouragement from this working mom over at

  2. Lovely!! I'll be looking for opportunities to do these sorts of caffeinated encouragements for those around me! I'm LOVING your series this month!!

    1. Caffeinated encouragements... Ha! I think we need to promote that as Starbucks' next ad campaign ;) Jen, you have no idea what a source of encouragement you've been to me. Thank you so much for your support!!

  3. You're so right about noticing the details! And yes, sometimes it takes only a "You're doing a great job!" to encourage someone. It reminds me of one Sunday when a soloist sang a song that really ministered to me. I'd never met her, but after the service I approached her and told her how much it meant to me. Remember that I'm an introvert and this was HARD for me to do. But I felt compelled to encourage her, and that won out. I'm not bragging on myself, just sharing (what I hope is) an encouraging example.

    1. That, my sweet sister, is called obedience. Thank you so much for sharing! You might think that I'm super outgoing, but I am NOT! It's so hard for me to get out of my comfort zone, too!

  4. Loved this!!! I am going to watch the details more and encourage others in my life. It really is important to do. I'm an encourager by nature but I'm going to try and do even more of it. I also love when people encourage me too. That makes such a difference when I'm having a hard day.

    1. Encouragement just keeps on multiplying itself, yes?? So happy to have you reading today!
