

Five Minute Friday: Still

Every week, a whole heap of fabulous women get together and bravely write for Five Minute Friday. Today's prompt is...



After I hit snooze for the third time, the text message from my friend got me up and moving.

"Can't. Get. Out. Of. Bed."

She's my early morning quiet time partner. Because if someone else is up doing her quiet time thing and she calls you on it, you pull yourself up from the warmth of bed, too. Because there's just something about the stillness of a house basking in the pre-dawn haze, and there's just a little bit of glory in the moments before the pitter pat of feet on the floor take me from the role of  just Kristin doing her thing to mom, chef, admin, wife, daughter, caregiver, organizer and doer of all things.

"I'll get up if you get up," was how I responded.

Because these quiet, still moments? They matter. Regardless of the tasks of the day, the length of the to do lists, and the distance in which we may be stretched, this time is ours.


I hope y'all have a great weekend! I'm particularly thankful for this one. We've had sick kiddos this week, and though the running noses and coughs are lingering, we're settling in with visiting family, hot cocoa, and a warm fire. Enjoy your moments!

xoxo, k.

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