

Tot School: The Letter F!

Miss E ~ 27 months

F is for Feet, Fish and Frog!  And fun, and friend, and food, and the numbers four and five... You get the picture!

After the not so awesome week (actually it turned into two weeks that were not so awesome, but I'll spare you the details) following Valentine's Day, I feel like we're really getting back on track with Tot School!  Whenever I really start to put a great effort into it, I can see the good it's doing in Miss E's little life.  I've mentioned before that she's a bit like her mommy in the Type A department. She really thrives when we have organized activities, and she just loves to learn!

Our table set up as Miss E would see it on Monday morning.

Here's a recap of our week on F! I usually try to stick with one central theme, but this week, there were just too many fun words beginning with our letter. Initially I was a bit worried, because for the first 2-3 days, Miss E was convinced that letters E and F are the same. So sure, in fact, that she would correct my apparent error on a regular basis. My precocious little girl. Shouldn't be surprised.

Using our fun printables, we completed all sorts of school activities...

Completing a 'feet' picture puzzle. I love the look of determination on her face.

Picture/shaddow matching

Tracing really is one of her favorite activities. She's really starting to get the hang of it, too!

She also loves do-a-dots. This day was when it started to click that E and F are different letters.
"That's an 'F' for 'foot,' mommy!"
We pulled out some puzzles that have been put away for awhile, so they became new again. She loves fishing in the morning.

I also love to get inspired from pinterest... I found this great idea, and it morphed into several activities. Miss E loves all things painting, so it was a huge hit.

Painting blue water

Miss E used her hand, then counted her five fish!
Her favorite part was putting the googly eyes on the fish.
Later that day, as a means to give her something to do while I did the dishes, I opened up the wipes box, gave her markers to her, and let her go to town on the box. Except that she really wanted to continue our fish/feet theme! I was thrilled.

Miss E wanted to make more fish! First, with her hand...

And then with her feet!

She was so proud of herself. It was all her idea; I wanted to make sure she
knew what a big deal that was.

Our final product!
This activity turned out to be the hit of the week. We worked on all sorts of concepts surrounding the letter F, including comparing (big/small), counting, spatial awareness, and we even talked about where fish lived and what they ate (for food). So proud of my sweet girl!

And of course, we couldn't resist dancing a bit. Her favorites this week were (for the love of the theme), Five Green and Speckled Frogs, and Let's Go Fishing!

My dancing Queen.
And of course Mr. C didn't miss any of the action. He adores his big sis more than anything, and definitely loves to watch her dance!

What a great Tot School week!  The success of this week, paired with our healed home, gets me even more excited for next week's letter, G!

Until next time!

Mrs. Kuda


  1. Can't wait for next week ... Ggosh!

  2. We did the hand print fish too a while back.Such a fun site! Here is my blog

    1. Welcome, Kristianne! Thanks for checking us out!

  3. The fish painting turned out so cute!

    1. Thanks, Erin! We had so much fun making it. Don't you just love pinterest?

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