

Day 24: Five Minute Friday: Dare

Every week, a whole heap of fabulous women get together and write for Five Minute Friday. This month is no different, despite my 31 Day Writer's Challenge. Today's prompt is...



I dare you. I dare you not to give in to those never-ending joy killers. The ones that tell you no. And you can't. And you're not good enough.

I dare you. To share what you believe. To lean in close to our sweet Lord. To press into Him so He can speak through you. For you.

I dare you. To follow the whispers of your heart. To make the call when a friend pops into your brain. To send the text you've been afraid to send. To be the encouragement she needs, but is too afraid to ask for.

Speak life aloud. Stand strong in your convictions. Show your true self. Spend your days spreading light to the world, so that when you feel as if you just can't do any more, you'll see how far you've come and know that you can. You are able.

I dare you.

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Y'all. We are SEVEN DAYS away from the end of the month! We're in the home stretch, and I can't thank you enough, all of you wonderful, sweet folks who have been such a source of such encouragement in this crazy 31 days. Be sure to check out the other 23 days here, just in case you're needing some more encouragement!


  1. Lovely encouraging message! Thank you!

    1. You're welcome :) Happy it was encouraging for others

  2. Beautiful encouraging post today. I'm going to dare to do the things I need to do.

  3. Thanks for these encouraging words, Kristin!

    1. You're welcome, Melissa! Thrilled these words spoke to so many today :)

  4. I just love your blog title. And I so enjoyed this encouraging post. I must go catch up on your write31days series. Just happy to have made my way here through FMF. Awesomness! Happy Saturday.

    1. Yay, Beth!! You just warmed my heart. Thanks so much for reading!

  5. Great post. Love the 'speak life aloud' suggestion.

    1. I think we get scared in the moment to moment details of the day. Sometimes I feel like it's easier to write it, than to actually say it out loud...
