

Day 31: Five Minute Friday: Leave

Every week, a whole heap of fabulous women get together and write for Five Minute Friday. This month is no different, despite my 31 Day Writer's Challenge. Today's prompt is...



I'm kind of in love with the fact that this last day of our 31 Day challenge ends in a Five Minute Friday response. Why? Because it ensures us a clean break. A breath of goodbye. A chance to move on without going on and on.

All month we've talked about encouragement, and while I pray that I've touched you in some small way each day, you've been the hero in this story. The outpouring of love and support for these long days has been completely overwhelming and not at all expected. Although, shouldn't it have been? Expected? I don't think I could imagine any less from each and every one of you.

Since my gift cannot in any way surpass what you have already given to me, I'll leave you with this:


The thing about hope is that it doesn't matter where you are, what challenges lie before you, and how long it may take to get you there. Hope gives us courage to get to the other side. Hope waits while we sift through the nitty-gritty. And hope provides a pathway even when our eyes can barely see what's coming next.

We did it, friends. Together. Thank you. I pray you find encouragement in each of your days, that you seek out hope, and find the courage to be brave in whatever challenge you may face.


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xoxo, k.

If you'd like access to any of the 31 Days for this year, click on this button:


  1. What a beautiful and encouraging post to "leave" the 31 days with :) We did it!!! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us :)

  2. So proud of you for accomishing such an amazing goal! Can't wait to see how God uses you next! :)

  3. "Hope gives us courage to get to the other side" Indeed. And I love the image of the tender green sprout coming up through a cracked and barren soil. That IS hope. Can't wait to come back and go through your 31 day series. Thanks!

    1. I hope you enjoy it, Mary Clare! Thanks so much for reading :)

  4. "Hope provides a pathway"--Yes! Congratulations on making it through 31 days!

  5. love your thoughts on Hope. :) it is the bridge that enables us to walk forward in dark days. Congratulations for reaching the 31 mark! hats off to you!

  6. Hope....yes! Thanks friend! It has been a joy to follow you through these 31 days.

    1. Thank you, Tara! I'm so happy you've enjoyed this month :)

  7. Yes, HOPE! Love that verse, too.

  8. What a perfect writing prompt for the end of this series! LOVE IT!

  9. Thank you for this post. :) Hope in the Lord is a wonderful thing!

  10. What a beautiful way to end the 31 Days! I'm glad to have "met" you through this series.

  11. "hope gives us courage to get to the other side" YES!

    Visiting from FMF-
