All I have to do is look around me, and I count the blessings before me. Three of the most different, frustrating, wonderful beings on this planet, two of which we made together.
I'm grateful for mommy-daughter dates, afternoons full of sun and water and giggles, helping daddy, sharing toys. I'm grateful for those five precious minutes of reading a book meant for only me. Grateful for a husband who encourages my alone time, encourages me to be just me whenever I feel I'm about to lose my identity apart from "mom."
And he just totally interrupted my five minutes! And now we're both giggling about it. And now I've lost my train of thought....
Somehow I've ended up as this stay-at-home mom, thrown my degrees aside, given up my adult-ness in exchange for diapers and tantrums and tears-for-no-reason.
But they're mine and I'm oh so grateful. For the ability to give life. For the husband who works beyond measure to give me this chance. For the support of strangers in this new town. For this precious life we've been given.
I've been a little absent lately, mostly just because I haven't really found the time to keep my head on straight, much less write a decent blog post. In addition to my sweet family, I am SO grateful for all of the love I've received from my dear friends in our new town. Thankful this week for the reminder that we are all in it together as moms, and we must continue to encourage one another!
Until next time,
Mrs. Kuda

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