
Have kid, will travel

After 892 miles, E has now travelled through 6 states, slept in a hotel and her grandparent's house, met  a few handful of friends, had her first cold, and lived to tell the tale!  She and I took advantage of a business trip, and adventured the streets of Boston while her daddy worked hard during the day.

First stop? Worcester, of course!  E oggled at Uncle Tony's significant tan, and then met her great-grandmother for an Irish lunch. Grammy was enamored with E, as was E with her.  There was even a surprise visit from her cousin MK! It was all very exciting, especially after a 6 1/2 hour drive.


Once we got into Boston and checked into our hotel, we headed (in the very unseasonably warm Boston weather...a whoppping 50 degrees!) to the one place that upon speaking aloud makes my mouth start to water, Pacliuca's!  There's something about the family feel, homemade pastas and carafes of wine that Paul and I have always loved.  We decided to pass on the tradition...

Baby's first carafe... 
And baby's first meatball!

We happened to visit another favorite restaurant of mine, The Paramount for a little baby play date with some old friends. It turned into a walking tour after breakfast.  It was a beautiful day, and felt so good to be back in one of my all-time favorite cities. Oh, Boston, we miss you!

If you've never been to Boston this time of year, you have no idea what St. Patrick's Day means to Bostonians.  It turns the city upside down in a haze of green beads, leprechauns (We actually saw one right outside of Emmet's Pub.  I'm not kidding.) and Guiness inhaling citizens from all over the state.  It was actually hard to find a place to eat that was semi-suitable for a 3 month old! But we did find it, and our little lucky charm was a hit with all of the patrons.

Our baby's first St. Patrick's Day was complete with a stroll through the Common and Public Garden on what turned out to be one of the most beautiful days of our trip.  65 degrees! There were bands playing, folks tossing frisbees, and just lounging on the hill overlooking Charles Street.  To top it off, we had a great dinner with friends on their roof deck overlooking the city. Sigh...

Though she was asleep, this is E's first visit to the Public Garden ducks!
As if our trip hadn't been complete, we spent our last day in Boston celebrating March Madness with some of Paul's buddies.  Needless to say, E was quite the hit with all of the boys.  Despite all of the cheering and jeering at Game On, she slept for a nice long nap, ready for her first trip to the Cape!

It really was quite a trip!  We did end up (BOTH of us) getting a bit sick by the end of it, so had to forgo a stop in Brooklyn on the way home, but it seems that we have survived our first roadtrip as a family!  E is still recovering, but I think that's likely from her cold and not the trip.  We had such a great time, and can't thank everyone enough who made it so along the way!  Happy to be back south of the Mason Dixon line and in our own beds, but look forward to our next adventure!

Until next time,

Mrs. Kuda
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