At home? Not so much. I have a clean house that is relatively picked up, especially with the help of my dear hubby. I wish I could say that it was pristine, but who are we kidding, here? I have a 5 month old! Not happening!
But wait a second! I have a new job as a stay at home mom (at least for now), so why am I not practicing my 'at work' habits? It occurred to me today that what's missing from my day-to-day is my internal desire to organize every morsel of stuffs in my house!
Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but laundry and house cleaning while baby naps just isn't cutting it for me any more. (An earlier post update: She does nap! Success!!) So I'm going to take the 21 day challenge, thanks to Toni at A Bowl Full of Lemons.
For the next 21 days (Or more. Let's be honest with ourselves, here), I will post my successes with my cutie in tow as we strive to get the Kuda household a bit more organized. Just the thought of little organized bins of our things makes me smile :)
Day 1: The Junk Drawer
Oy. We have two. And a junk basket. One day at a time...I'm on it.
So, the words, "I don't even know what that is..." came out of my mouth at least five times. I'm not kidding. I love my husband, but I feel like this is on him. As a result of this, I made one little addition to Lemon's challenge of a keep pile, donate pile and throw away pile. The Paul bag. It's a nice Ziploc baggie designated for him. He knows what these things are, so he is likely better able to determine which pile they go into.
A tool? A pen? We don't know. Into the Paul bag it goes. |
And for the record, we don't ever need to buy pens ever again. Ever. And if you need a pen? Just give us a call. We have a few dozen we could lend you. And how many hi-lighters does one need? Anyone?
One out of two ain't bad... Right? |
Until tomorrow... The TOP of the desk. Sigh...
Mrs. Kuda