
Mysterious Number Two

The time has come, my friends, to discuss number two. Yes, that number two. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think this would come up in my blog, but here we are.

Little girl does not disappoint when number two appears. She is a purple faced, grunting and groaning monster. And the sigh of relief afterwards? Priceless! So yesterday we were playing around (putting off my 21 days of organization, mind you), and all of a sudden I could smell something not so appetizing.  Now because of E's "shows," it never occurred to me to check her.  I wandered around the house (with baby in tow) searching for the culprit.  Giving up, I check little girl's behind, and wheewwww! I don't know how I missed it. The mysterious number two. Not only was this occurrence perfectly silent, she was also perfectly content about it. I really think us adults should learn from babies. We'd all be a lot happier.

Which got me thinking... Babies can teach us so much about how to live life, reflect quietly (or not so much), and be the happiest humans in the world, and this brings me to today's topic...

What I've learned about life via my little one's number two:

*Do what feels right on the inside, even if you look like a purple-faced grumbly monster on the outside

*If you feel like you need to go, GO for goodness sake! You might not get another chance for quite some time

*Speaking of going, go with the flow. It's nice to have a schedule or routine, but sometimes flexibility is our closest ally

*While speaking your mind is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes self-reflecting and keeping your mouth shut for a bit might do some good

*Observe the world and learn from it

*Smile at most things, laugh at everything else. Life is so much more fun with happy people in it

*If at first you don't succeed, stare at it for awhile, then try, try again (I actually learned this from my dad, but I think it still applies...)

*Surprise people. You never know what you might find...

That's all for now! Until next time,

Mrs. Kuda
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